Events   /  SoundS

sample&hold #3 : state of soundS

22 Mar 2023 | public exhibtion

Pho­tos © Bár­bara Lázara

Akademie der Kün­ste, Stu­dio­foy­er, Hanseat­en­weg 10, 10557 Berlin



Curat­ed by Prof. Daisuke Ishida

Sound exper­i­ments with vac­u­um clean­ers and car audio sys­tems, a huge, micro­phoned pile of sand, reflec­tions on a machine that repro­duces sound mem­o­ries : “State of SoundS” gives an insight into the work of the UdK mas­ter’s pro­gram “Sound Stud­ies and Son­ic Arts” under the direc­tion of Prof. Daisuke Ishida.


In eleven instal­la­tions, per­for­mances and inter­ven­tions, the foy­er of the Akademie der Kün­ste on Hanseat­en­weg becomes a place of lis­ten­ing. The stu­dents are inter­est­ed in the inter­dis­ci­pli­nary approach to the world of sound, the inter­twin­ing of the­o­ret­i­cal study and cre­ative work : think­ing with the ears, mak­ing cul­ture audible.


The series “sample&hold” is a coöper­a­tion of the Stu­dio for Elec­troa­coustic Music of the Akademie der Kün­ste, Berlin, the Stu­dio for Elec­troa­coustic Music of the Hanns Eisler Acad­e­my of Music Berlin (STEAM) and the UNI.K | Stu­dio for Sound Art and Sound Research as well as the Mas­ter’s pro­gram Sound Stud­ies and Son­ic Arts of the Uni­ver­sität der Kün­ste Berlin.