Stu­dent Works  /  Project Phase

Your Touch Makes The Place

public exhibition

21 Jan — 3 Feb 2022

Pho­tos © Sara Lehn

21 Jan 2022 | Silent Green (out­side) | 4–7pm

22 Jan — 3 Feb | Silent Green (out­side) | dai­ly 3–6pm

18 Feb 2022 | Cash­mere Radio night


SoundS at trans­me­di­ale and CTM Vor­spiel with Your Touch Makes The Place, a project by stu­dents of Sound Stud­ies and Son­ic Arts under the super­vi­sion of Sara Lehn.


It doesn’t take much to trans­form a place. A few years and a cre­ma­to­ri­um is a ‘Kul­turquarti­er’. A few rearrange­ments and a rooftop is an aur­al gaze­bo, a silent lawn turns into a site for lis­ten­ing and com­ing togeth­er. A few com­po­si­tions and this place becomes a por­tal to the his­to­ries of what sur­rounds it as well as oth­er dimen­sions and real­i­ties : Sud­den­ly, the the guardians of the dead are evoked, sto­ries about those in the ether, that were nev­er even alive. Con­nec­tions drawn from tiny mut­ter­ings of hid­den cor­ners to their res­o­nance across the city. The present is sum­moned by its links to past and future, a ves­sel for mem­o­ry and fore­shad­ow­ing, an instru­ment to be acti­vat­ed by our voice and touch.


As part of the exhi­bi­tion ‘Your Touch Makes The Waves’ by Cash­mere Radio, the min­i­mal­ist octag­o­nal struc­ture ‘mono­ment’ (Sara Lehn / Eric Windel) on the lawn in front of Silent Green hosts a pub­lic lis­ten­ing ses­sion of its recent sound art con­tri­bu­tions. ‘Your Touch Makes the Place’ (Sound Stud­ies and Son­ic Arts, UdK Berlin) puts hands on and presents a trans­me­di­ale and CTM Vor­spiel special.

Like a stetho­scope, the con­tact micro­phones epit­o­mise the con­tact between doc­tor and patient’s body. Vibrat­ing win­dows, siz­zling heat­ing pipes, tin­kling light bulbs… Silent Green becomes a pal­pi­tat­ing instru­ment, reveal­ing its inner aur­al enig­mas. Sonorous hyper real­i­ty out of con­text, re-sig­ni­fied through dig­i­tal processing.


Min­i­mal­ist impact of repeat­ed and com­pressed vocals – record­ed on the con­crete ramp at Silent Green.


I live with per­sons and sto­ries I have only heard about. Inter­view pas­sages and fiel­d­record­ings from the Silent Green site.


Falling dust, descend­ing in trans­for­ma­tion. Rep­e­ti­tion. Exhaus­tion. Coex­ist­ing in dis­so­nant move­ments. What do we do with the lit­tle pieces ? We con­sent to the rit­u­al­ism of pres­ence. Noth­ing else, noth­ing more.


Impulse Response based feed­back com­po­si­tion, con­nect­ing mutu­al res­o­nances of two cul­tur­al loca­tions across Berlin. Between his­to­ries of Silent Green and a pre­car­i­ous ‘Zukun­ft am Ostkreuz’


“With­out decay and for­ev­er awake I shall greet & guard the ones that enter the gate.”


A grave­yard, SMSHAANA. SMSH/shava (“corpse”), while shana refers to shanya (“bed”). An attempt to bridge the in-betwee­ness of MATTER AND SPIRIT endogenously/exogenically expe­ri­enced in the process of leav­ing. The dual­i­ty of life and death, of past and present meet in the “NOWNESS of the BREATH” and breath is Air/PRAANA…