Stu­dent Works  /  Project Phase

Klanglandschaften 3


24–26 June 2022

Pho­tos © Klanglandschaften

3. Klang­land­schaften — A fes­ti­val in times of cli­mate change
24–26 June 2022

We are proud to present the works of our stu­dents Hae­soo Eshu Jung, Heather Fae Calla, Jorge Vic­ario Guille, Juan Pablo de Luc­ca, Merey Şeno­cak, Salome Lubczan­s­ki, Saman­tha Sim­mons, Selim Elsadek, Sim­i­na Opres­cu and Vilte Gustyte at 3. Klang­land­schaften — A fes­ti­val in times of cli­mate change, on Sun­day 26 June 2022, 2–4pm in Hobrechts­felde


The project HÖRPARCOURS : „UN-LISTENING / NATURAL LANDSCAPES“ by stu­dents of the Sound Stud­ies and Son­ic Arts pro­gram at the UdK Berlin and the Hochschule für Nach­haltige Entwick­lung Eber­swalde, spe­cial­iz­ing in land­scape use and nature con­ser­va­tion as well as region­al devel­op­ment and nature con­ser­va­tion was led by Prof. Daisuke Ishi­da and Jan Thoben and orga­nized by Elke Moltrecht. A par­cours with instal­la­tions, lis­ten­ing moments and per­for­mances. The act of lis­ten­ing becomes a form of ques­tion­ing per­spec­tives on the present and into the past of the Rie­selfelder.