Events   /  SoundS

Lietze Mon Amour

UdK Rundgang

29–31 Oct 2021

Graph­ics © SoundS

29 — 31 Octo­ber 2021

Liet­zen­burg­er Str 45

10789 Berlin


UdK’s Rundgang is expand­ing across the cam­pus to Liet­ze, the home of Sound Stud­ies and Son­ic Arts, Cos­tume and Stage Design. Over the last week­end in Octo­ber, the build­ing will be open and show­cas­ing the works of stu­dents from these depart­ments, includ­ing open stu­dios, instal­la­tions, video, sound art, con­certs and per­for­mances run­ning all weekend.


Open­ing hours :
Fri­day 29/10 : Vernissage 16:00–23:00 with DJs and drinks in the yard
Sat­ur­day 30/10 : 12:00–21:30
Sun­day 31/10 : 12:00 — 20:30


DJs @ Vernissage :
A. Mod­i­ca, Maf, Geof­frey LaRue, True Romantic


from the MA in Sound Stud­ies and Son­ic Arts by :

Samuel Perea-Díaz, Nico­lai Krog, Anna Lio­ka, Vic­tor Yrigoyen, Kim Wichera, mar­tin mool­hui­jsen, Andreas Sommer


Video art

from the MA in Sound Stud­ies and Son­ic Arts by :

Yuhua Li, Ani Sam­peri, Aod­ha­gan O’Fla­her­ty, Hay­den Pross­er, Kate Miller

Niko­lai Vesterkaer Krog Not Your Night Par­a­site 2021, Pho­to © Kathrin Scheidt

Kim Wich­era : REVELATION 2021, Pho­to ©Kathrin Scheidt

Kim Wichera REVELATION 2021, Pho­to © Kathrin Scheidt

Niko­lai Vesterkaer Krog Not Your Par­a­site 2021, Pho­to ©Kathrin Scheidt


from the MA in Sound Stud­ies and Son­ic Arts by :

Samuel Perea-Díaz, Nico­lai Krog, Anna Lio­ka, Vic­tor Yrigoyen, Kim Wichera, mar­tin mool­hui­jsen, Andreas Sommer

Video art

from the MA in Sound Stud­ies and Son­ic Arts by :

Yuhua Li, Ani Sam­peri, Aod­ha­gan O’Fla­her­ty, Hay­den Pross­er, Kate Miller

Pho­tos © Kathrin Scheidt

Per­for­mances and Con­certs from the MA in Sound Stud­ies and Son­ic Arts :


Fri­day 29 Oct 2021
18:00 Mar­i­ana Car­val­ho and Lara Alar­cón
19:00 Diana Fon­se­ca
20:15 Mitchell Keaney
21:15 Davide Luciani


Sat­ur­day 30 Oct 2021
18:00 Shun Momose
19:00 Hay­den Dean Pross­er
20:00 Gen­e­sis Vic­to­ria
21:00 Chris McWayne


Sun­day 31 Oct 2021
18:00 Lot­tie Sebes with Adri­enn Illés
19:00 Vilte Gustyte
19:45 Schahin Paimani and Maryam Katan