Events   /  SoundS

Nandita Kumar

sic ! sound in context

25 April 2023 | sic ! artist talk

Pho­tos © Bran­don LaBelle

Sounding the Quintessential

Nan­di­ta Kumar


Feb­ru­ary 14, 7 PM

Liet­zen­burg­er Str. 45
10789 Berlin
3.OG, 315


Mod­er­at­ed by Prof. Kirsten Reese, UNI.K Stu­dio / UdK
Lan­guage : English

Under the title “Sound­ing the Quin­tes­sen­tial,” media artist Nan­di­ta Kumar from India/New Zealand will spoke about her work. She is cur­rent­ly in Berlin on a DAAD Fel­low­ship and works at the inter­sec­tion of art, sci­ence, tech­nol­o­gy and com­mu­ni­ty, cre­at­ing inter­ac­tive instal­la­tions. She explores the ele­men­tal process by which peo­ple con­struct mean­ing from their expe­ri­ences by devel­op­ing sen­so­ry nar­ra­tives through sound, video/animation and per­for­mance, smart­phone apps, cus­tom moth­er­boards, and solar and microwave sensors.


Nan­di­ta Kumar (w) is a Media artist from India/New Zealand and cur­rent­ly holds a DAAD stipend in Berlin, Ger­many. She works at the inter­sec­tion of art, sci­ence, tech­nol­o­gy and com­mu­ni­ty to cre­ate inter­ac­tive instal­la­tions. She explores the ele­men­tal process through which human beings con­struct mean­ing from their expe­ri­ences, by cre­at­ing sen­so­ry nar­ra­tives through sound, video/animation and per­for­mance, smart­phone apps, cus­tomized moth­er­boards, and solar/microwave sensors.

Pho­to © Bran­don LaBelle