Events   /  SoundS

Bárbara Lázara

sic ! sound in context

23 May 2023 | sic ! artist talk

Pho­tos © Bár­bara Lázara

Gritenme Piedras

Bárbara Lázara

Mod­er­a­tion : Prof. Kirsten Reese (UNI.K)


23 May 2023, 8pm

Liet­zen­burg­er Str. 45
10789 Berlin
3.OG, 315

Work­ing with voice, the open, extend­ed voice, tak­en to the scream. Before and after the word, in such a way  that its pos­si­bil­i­ty of say­ing is in turn linked to the reflec­tion of the unsaid. Start­ing from the voice then deal­ing with silence…what a body can do in the ges­tu­ral­ly of speech, before speech, or, what it can say when it has been impos­si­ble to speak. Some­times my work has been devot­ed to ill­ness, to the sick voice, the affect­ed, deceased voice, the voice of the abnor­mal­i­ty and to the voice that is not allowed to speak, the silenced. An explo­ration that is far from musi­cal, rather sonorous and in this sense explic­it­ly phys­i­cal and a game of bridges between spa­tial and cor­po­re­al resonances. 

In the voice resides capac­i­ty both to say in urgency  where the cry fits ad is demand­ed, as well as to say in the pause, at the moment of remem­ber­ing, of begin­ning to regain strength, to begin to artic­u­late a new word.


Bár­bara Lázara

Artist whose work is ded­i­cat­ed to ampli­fy­ing sub­ju­gat­ed lan­guages, archives of the body, and stolen mem­o­ries. Her work spans across var­i­ous media, includ­ing per­for­mance, music, writ­ing, and video, and has been exhib­it­ed in solo and group shows in Mex­i­co, the US, and the EU. She is a mem­ber of the DAAD Berlin­er Kün­stler­pro­gramm 2022/23 and belonged to the Sis­tema de Creadores de Arte de Méx­i­co from 2019 to 2022. Lázara is cur­rent­ly work­ing on archival mate­ri­als for the exhi­bi­tion Sono­ra en el Silen­cio, which will show­case the artis­tic lega­cy of her great-grand­moth­er, writer Olivia Zuñi­ga, and take place at the Museo Cabañas in 2023.

Pho­to © Jasper Kettner