Events   /  SoundS

Åsa Stjerna

sic ! sound in context

21 Nov 2023 | sic ! artist talk

Pho­tos © Sulitelma

Sonic Visions of The Arctic

Åsa Stjerna


21 Novem­ber 2023, 7pm

Liet­zen­burg­er Str. 45
10789 Berlin
3.OG, 315

For the past few years, Åsa Stjer­na has been fol­low­ing two sci­en­tif­ic research teams’ use of under­wa­ter acoustic tech­nolo­gies — that is, meth­ods that use sound in var­i­ous ways — in their research on the frag­ile Arc­tic envi­ron­ment. Over time, as much as inves­ti­gat­ing what the tech­nolo­gies actu­al­ly gen­er­ate in terms of infor­ma­tion, she has become inter­est­ed in the lim­i­ta­tions of the tech­nolo­gies, and the gaps that arise between what the tech­nolo­gies are able or unable to mea­sure and the final out­come the researchers pro­duce. How does sci­ence deal with these gaps ? What do these gaps tell us ? What is the artis­tic poten­tial of these gaps ?

Åsa Stjer­na is a Swedish instal­la­tion artist who through sound and lis­ten­ing explores places as com­plex ecolo­gies. Sev­er­al of her projects involve sci­en­tif­ic col­lab­o­ra­tion where she explores how col­lab­o­ra­tion between sci­ence and art can cre­ate new artis­tic for­mats for lis­ten­ing that deep­en our rela­tion­ship to the world around us. In this way, she tries to cre­ate a con­nec­tion between the past and the present, the local and the glob­al, and the human and the more-than-human. This fall she is a vis­it­ing researcher at Sound Stud­ies UdK. Her artis­tic research project, Son­ic Visions of the Arc­tic, explores the poten­tial of sound to inves­ti­gate the Arc­tic as a pub­lic space of glob­al interest.

sic ! sound in context

Lec­ture series with inter­na­tion­al guests on sound art, elec­tron­ic com­po­si­tion and sound-relat­ed media art with talks, pre­sen­ta­tions and lec­ture performances.


A coöper­a­tion of
Sound Stud­ies and Son­ic Arts  (MA) | UdK Berlin


UdK Berlin UNI.K  | Stu­dio for elec­troa­coustic com­po­si­tion, sound art and sound research

Pho­to © Åsa Stjerna