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Sound Images from Berlin to Tokyo

23 Oct 2022 | Ochiai Soup Tokyo

Pho­to © SoundsAbout

Exhi­bi­tion based on the Sem­i­nar Silent Mod­i­fi­ca­tions / toky­ober­lin by Boris Hegen­bart dur­ing the sum­mer semes­ter 2022


The exhi­bi­tion was held on 23 Octo­ber 2022 at Ochi­ai Soup Tokyo, Japan.

This sem­i­nar is a coöper­a­tion between the UdK Berlin — Sound Stud­ies and Son­ic Arts and the Musashino Art Uni­ver­si­ty in Tokyo. The course instruc­tors were Boris Hegen­bart (in Berlin) and Christophe Charles (in Tokyo). The two sem­i­nars take place in par­al­lel ; the mate­r­i­al is exchanged through­out the cre­ation process. The aim of this course is to cre­ate an inter­me­di­al instal­la­tion as joint work, which will be pre­sent­ed in two dif­fer­ent ver­sions in autumn 2022 in Japan and Ger­many. Dur­ing this course we will devel­op media com­po­si­tions for vir­tu­al rooms with vir­tu­al speak­er set­tings. Lat­er we will map these com­po­si­tions to real speak­er set­tings. To start off the com­po­si­tion process, MIDI scores will be cre­at­ed as basic mate­r­i­al — these won’t be clas­sic nota­tions, but MIDI con­trol data, that can be mapped to var­i­ous instru­ments (Max/MSP patch­es, soft­ware, and hard­ware syn­the­siz­ers, etc.). These nota­tions are based on events in pub­lic life, cre­at­ed by “human sen­sors” in urban envi­ron­ments : Instru­men­tal­ists play MIDI instru­ments in response to every­day son­ic events in their sur­round­ings, such as : bicy­cles, vehi­cles and pedes­tri­ans pass­ing by. Thus, the city is inter­pret­ed with silent instru­ments. Themes : Mate­r­i­al and score cre­ation, map­ping, inter­pre­ta­tion, spa­tial composition.