Events   /  SoundS

Ich Lietze Dich

23–24 July 2022 | UdK Rundgang

Pho­to © SoundsAbout

23–24 July 2022 | UdK Rundgang


Liet­zen­burg­er Str. 45
10789 Berlin


Fri­day 22.07 | noon — 5pm |

Sat­ur­day 23.07 | 11am — 11pm | 3–10pm DJs in the backyard

Sun­day 24.07 | 10am-9pm


The most excit­ing sum­mer week­end — the year­ly Rundgang took place 23–24 July 2022 ! Most UdK build­ings are open to the pub­lic, show­cas­ing works from stu­dents from par­tic­i­pat­ing departments. 

Come on down and expe­ri­ence an exhi­bi­tion of instal­la­tions and per­for­mances by stu­dents of MA Sound Stud­ies and Son­ic Arts.


Performance Schedule


Fri­day 22.07
noon — 5pm @ Proben­saal, Bun­de­sallee — Eric Maltz (only with Pre­view ticket)


Sat­ur­day 23.07
4:45pm Saman­tha Simmons

5:25pm Hay­den Dean

6:15pm Nicolás Teubal

6:45pm a. modica

7:30pm Eldar Tagi

8:10pm Ange­lo Harmsworth

8:45pm Árni Valur

9:30pm Forster


Sun­day 24.07
5:30pm Udo Koloska

6:15pm Varou­jan

7:00pm MAF w/ Gugulethu ‘Duma­ma’ Duma

7:50pm Vic­tor Yrigoyen

Video Art by
Zach Hart, Heather Fae Calla, Selim El Sadek, Hay­den Dean, Bar­ry Despen­za, Sean Regan, Aod­hagán O’Flaherty


Instal­la­tions by
Chung Tat Sham, Hye­won Suk, Mitchell Keaney, Hae­soo Jung, Merey Seno­cak, Ani Sam­peri, Ger­maine Png, Odd Sonorous, Sel, Lila-Zoé Krauß, Árni Valur

Julio Lugon : Aristotle‘s Jun­gle, 2018, Pho­to ©Kathrin Scheidt