Events   /  SoundS


New sonic theories and praxis

15 May — 1 June 2021 | online laboratory and lecture series

Pho­to © Unthinking/Unlearning

15 May — 1 June 2021


The online lab­o­ra­to­ry and res­i­den­cy, a part of the Year of Ger­many in Rus­sia 2020/21 and a col­lab­o­ra­tion between Klammk­lang label, Sound Stud­ies and Son­ic Arts (M.A.) at the Uni­ver­sität der Kün­ste Berlin and Sound Art and Sound Stud­ies (M.A.) at HSE Art and Design School, Moscow.

About the Laboratory


Unthinking/Unlearning project is set to devel­op new forms of son­ic think­ing and imag­i­na­tion through a series of online lec­tures and work­shops focused on the poten­cy of rein­ven­tion in cur­rent audi­to­ry, son­ic and musi­cal practices.


The lab­o­ra­to­ry con­sists of two sections :


The­o­ry : a course of twelve lec­tures avail­able for any­one to enroll, focused on three major top­ics : sound as a social agent, new con­cepts of the son­ic (Unthink­ing) and cur­rent son­ic prac­tice (Unlearn­ing).


Prac­tice : two groups of Russ­ian-speak­ing par­tic­i­pants (7−8 peo­ple each) select­ed via the open call. Depend­ing on their own pref­er­ences, par­tic­i­pants are giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty to join the work­shop they’re inter­est­ed in, select­ing from field record­ings meth­ods and advanced com­put­er music techniques.



Found Sounds and Field Recordings

May 15—16. Yulia Glukho­va — Ways to Hear a Sound, Not Its Cause

May 22—23. Felic­i­ty Man­gan — Take It From the Bird. Cre­at­ing Music Inspired By the Superb Lyrebird


Computer music technologies and techniques

May 15—16. Lukas Grund­mann — Stretch­ing Time, Track­ing Pitch and Re-synthesis

May 22—23. Niki­ta Bugaev — Quit­ting the Dial. In Search of New Con­trol Meth­ods in Max

The PRACTICE work­shop par­tic­i­pants will be select­ed via the open call (Russ­ian-speak­ing only!).


Pho­to © Unthinking/Unlearning


Sound Art & Sound Stud­ies at HSE Art and Design School — a divi­sion of one of Russia’s largest uni­ver­si­ties focused on a vari­ety of son­ic prac­tice and theory.


Klammk­lang is a Siberia-born, Moscow-based inde­pen­dent label focused on non-genre and exper­i­men­tal music, doc­u­ments of sound art and oth­er con­tem­po­rary son­ic practice.

Sound Stud­ies and Son­ic Arts UdK — a part-time post­grad­u­ate pro­gram run by the Berlin Uni­ver­si­ty of the Art’s Berlin Career Col­lege, that is aimed at pro­fes­sion­als work­ing in the field of sound with a uni­ver­si­ty degree or exceed­ing cre­ative talent.

Year Germany in Russia 2020/21

The Year Ger­many in Rus­sia 2020/21 pro­gram aims to turn our eyes to the future and present Ger­many as a mod­ern, pro­gres­sive coun­try, a reli­able Euro­pean part­ner for Rus­sia and its res­i­dents. The orga­niz­ers plan to show var­i­ous aspects of life in Ger­many, the pecu­liar­i­ties of Russ­ian-Ger­man rela­tions, and fur­ther strength­en the ties between our coun­tries. Dia­logue and inter­ac­tion between peo­ple play a key role here, because they are the ones that give mean­ing to these bilat­er­al relations.

Project Team

Stas Shar­i­fullin

Julia Shar­i­ful­li­na

Evge­ny Bylina

Lukas Grund­mann

Olga Zubo­va