Stu­dent Works  /  Master

SoundS Master Exhibition 21

public exhibition

16–18 July 2021

Pho­tos © Kathrin Scheidt

16 — 18 July 2021

Open­ing :   15 July | 4 — 6 PM

Exhi­bi­tion : 16–17 July | 10 AM — 6 PM

                    18 July | 10 AM — 3 PM


Col­legium Hun­gar­icum Berlin

Dorotheen­straße 12

10117 Berlin


Spe­cial exhibitions :

14 July | 6:30 PM | Shervin Sare­mi | Monom | Funkhaus Berlin, Nalepas­traße 18, 12459 Berlin

16 July | 8 PM | Enri­ka Myskovska­ja | Panke Gallery | Hof V, Gericht­straße 23, 13347 Berlin


The sec­ond class of the Sound Stud­ies and Son­ic Arts Mas­ters pro­gram pub­licly exhib­it­ed their mas­ter’s the­ses on 15–18 July  2021 at the Col­legium Hun­gar­icum Berlin.

Clara Badulescu

Zero Point

Audio-visu­al screen­ing with mul­ti chan­nel sound installation

Cre­ation as Self explo­ration. Short film and mul­ti­chan­nel audio instal­la­tion. Col­lab­o­ra­tion between Clara Bad­ules­cu & Alex­ia Rubod

Pho­to © Kathrin Scheidt

Pho­to © Kathrin Scheidt

Jonathan Bruns

Translation Project Documentation



The trans­la­tion project is an exper­i­men­tal com­po­si­tion with a focus on cre­ation through inter­pre­ta­tion. A pre-exist­ing piece is re-inter­pret­ed into some­thing new using a method of translation.

The project func­tions as a meet­ing point for music and pho­tog­ra­phy. A  piece of music serves as a start­ing point to a jour­ney of trans­la­tion between art forms. The performer(s) are led through a process of trans­lat­ing the music to pho­tog­ra­phy, and then back to music, result­ing in the cre­ation of pho­tog­ra­phy and music along the way.

It is impos­si­ble to trans­late a com­plex mat­ter from one lan­guage to anoth­er with­out chang­ing its nature. This com­po­si­tion attempts to trans­late a piece of art from one art­form to anoth­er, which is not pos­si­ble with­out chang­ing it significantly.

At the heart of the process of trans­la­tion is inter­pre­ta­tion. An indi­vid­ual is con­front­ed with a sub­ject mat­ter, inter­prets the mat­ter, and then repro­duces their inter­pre­ta­tion in a dif­fer­ent domain. The use of the term “trans­la­tion” there­by high­lights the sub­jec­tive nature, and there­fore sig­nif­i­cant­ly eman­ci­pat­ed role of the performer/translator as well as the mulit-faceted nature of music and art.

Anders Ehlin

Fidelity || Freedom



In Fideli­ty || Free­dom Ehlin com­bines his ongo­ing research on (mis-)communication and res­o­nance, both in its phys­i­cal and soci­o­log­i­cal sense. The title is a direct ref­er­ence to the two high­ly debat­ed cor­ner­stones in trans­la­tion the­o­ry, describ­ing on the one hand the wish for trans­la­tion to be as trans­par­ent and unno­tice­able as pos­si­ble, on the oth­er for a trans­lat­ed piece to be acknowl­edged as a prop­er derivate and work in its own right, rather util­is­ing ref­er­ence points spe­cif­ic to itself and its cul­tur­al and soci­etal her­itage. Fideli­ty II Free­dom con­sists of a kinet­ic met­al plate fed with a manip­u­lat­ed elec­tro-acoustic feed­back, whose fun­da­men­tal fre­quen­cy changes in accor­dance to the plate’s bend­ing shape. The plate responds to hand writ­ten input using Ehlin’s great grandfather’s short hand sys­tem Ehlin’s Inter­na­tionel­la Stenografi, one of the ear­ly ful­ly func­tion­al mul­ti­lin­gual short hand sys­tems, rely­ing on spelling rather than phonemes. Feed­ing the plate with the signs of a deceased writ­ing sys­tem Ehlin not only aims to explore the notion of a trans­la­tion­al in-between, but also traces back his inti­mate his­to­ry with­in a frame­work of com­mu­ni­ca­tion and multimodality.

Pho­to © Kathrin Scheidt

Pho­to © Kathrin Scheidt

Eunice Fong

these buds are made for walkin’

Lis­ten­ing station


An audio guide that accom­pa­nies a walk in the city. For non-in-ear ear­buds and a smartphone.

Taiga Trigo

Temenos Quest — evidence of what happened

Instal­la­tion — Last few hours of each day


Doc­u­men­ta­tion, in both hands-on and audio­vi­su­al for­mat, of the Temenos Quest ; a sound Quest Game for chil­dren and adults that took place on the 27th of June in Trep­tow­er­park. The project explored the con­cept of play and its rela­tion to lis­ten­ing and the expe­ri­en­tial edu­ca­tion for­mat of the quest game.

Pho­to © Kathrin Scheidt

Pho­to © Kathrin Scheidt

Enrika Myskovskaja


16 July 2021 | 8 pm


Panke Gallery
Hof V
Gericht­straße 23
13347 Berlin


An intro­duc­tion into audi­to­ry every­day’s casu­al­ty and par­tic­u­lar­i­ty in per­son­al domes­tic space. The pack­age con­tains : indi­vid­ual dweller, home­like space, diy lis­ten­ing appa­ra­tus­es and looper.

Francisco Petrucci




•\‘. is an intu­itive enhance­ment of a non-place area of the Col­legium Hun­gar­icum, using voice, sound, image, and site spe­cif­ic elements.

Pho­to © Kathrin Scheidt

Shervin Saremi




14.07.2021 | 6:30pm

Funkhaus Berlin
Nalepas­traße 18
12459 Berlin


An algo­rith­mic com­po­si­tion with mod­els based on var­i­ous chaot­ic-attrac­tors (dynam­i­cal sys­tems whose dis­or­dered and clut­ter­ing nature are guid­ed by pat­terns and deter­min­is­tic laws ) for pro­duc­ing auto­mat­ed son­ic and spa­tial events.

Pho­to © Kathrin Scheidt

Francis Sosta

Ein prä-apokalyptischer Spaziergang

Mix­me­dia Performative-Installation


Ein präapoka­lyp­tis­ch­er Spazier­gang is an invi­ta­tion to turn our atten­tion and lis­ten to the moments before an apoc­a­lypse, to the instants just before the end of time. How long is the moment before the final crash ? Will the end of time come unno­ticed ? What if we’re already walk­ing along that end­ing ? Ein präapoka­lyp­tis­ch­er Spazier­gang is a mixed media per­for­ma­tive-instal­la­tion that uses son­ic sto­ry­telling as a way to both reflect and escape the escha­tol­o­gism of the end of the world. By bring­ing the focus back to the present moment as a spe­cial ‘space for pos­si­bil­i­ties’ where we are prac­tic­ing, instead of resist­ing the end of time. The work address­es son­ic strate­gies of sur­vival and resilience in a world of rapid social change and cri­sis. Ein präapoka­lyp­tis­ch­er Spazier­gang is a son­ic envi­ron­ment where a spa­tial explo­ration and tem­po­ral detour are invit­ed by son­ic nav­i­ga­tion. The work, by acknowl­edg­ing the inter­con­nect­ed­ness of the socio, polit­i­cal, eco­nom­i­cal, and health cri­sis we’re liv­ing in, also wants to reflect on the role of cri­sis to chal­lenge the sta­tus quo of our glob­al soci­ety, inform­ing new method­olo­gies and tech­nolo­gies of repair, whilst gen­er­at­ing new son­ic kin­ships. The instal­la­tion presents works by Fran­cis Sos­ta, as well as works real­ized in col­lab­o­ra­tions with invit­ed artists.


On Sat­ur­day, 17 July 2021 from 4–6pm, Fran­cis Sos­ta invit­ed artists and per­form­ers to join the space in an ‘exper­i­men­tal dura­tional per­for­mance’. The audi­ence is invit­ed to enter, stay and leave the room freely.

Pho­to © Kathrin Scheidt

Design © Kathrin Scheidt

Design © Kathrin Scheidt

Pho­to © Kathrin Scheidt

Master Defense

30–31 August 2021 | online and live

Mon­day, 30 August 2021


14:00 pm      Sebas­t­ian de la Luz Men­doza     (Super­vi­sors : Sabine Sanio | Jacob Erik­son online)

15:15 pm     Hugo Esquin­ca     (Super­vi­sors : Sabine Sanio | Jan Thoben)

16:30 pm     Fed­er­i­ca Sos­ta     (Super­vi­sors : Sabine Sanio | Shan­ti Suki Osman)

18:00 pm     Shervin Sare­mi     (Super­vi­sors : Volk­er Straebel online | Thomas Koch online)


Tues­day, 31 August 2021


11:00 am     Faus­to Luis Perez-Muji­ca     (Super­vi­sors : Hans Peter Kuhn | Julia Schröder)

12:15 pm     Clara Bad­ules­cu     (Super­vi­sors : Hans Peter Kuhn | Mar­ty­na Poznanska)

13:30 pm     Enri­ka Myskovska­ja     (Super­vi­sors : Hans Peter Kuhn | Daisuke Ishida)

14:45 pm     Break

15:30 pm     Eunice Fong     (Super­vi­sors : Daisuke Ishi­da | Gary Schultz)

16:45 pm     Cata­ri­na Tri­go     (Super­vi­sors : Daisuke Ishi­da | Chris­tiane Hom­melsheim + Anna Weis­senfels online)

18:00 pm    Jonathan Bruns     (Super­vi­sors : Volk­er Straebel online | Daisuke Ishida)

UdK Berlin
Ein­stein­ufer 43
10587 Berlin-Char­lot­ten­burg