Events   /  die Reihe

Interacting with Body and Space

symposium and concert 

Pho­tos © Kathrin Scheidt

Inter­act­ing with Body, Elec­tron­ics and Space

Sym­po­sium and Concert 


16 + 17.7.2019 | 
16 Juli | 14:00 — 20:00
17 Juli | 17:30 — 21:00 


Musikin­stru­menten-Muse­um Berlin
Ben-Guri­on Straße
10785 Berlin




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Inter­act­ing with Body, Elec­tron­ics and Space is a two day event of dis­course, per­for­mance and demon­stra­tions. Atau Tana­ka, cur­rent­ly Edgard-Varèse Guest Pro­fes­sor at Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty Berlin, and Hen­rik von Col­er, direc­tor of the Elec­tron­ic Music Stu­dio at the TU, invite researchers, emerg­ing as well as inter­na­tion­al artists in order to approach the ques­tions which emerge in the field of musi­cal inter­ac­tion through tech­ni­cal means and the con­cept of embod­i­ment. How does the body act in space through sound ? How might tech­nol­o­gy medi­ate this ? How do we cre­ate new means of inter­ac­tion and what musi­cal or per­for­ma­tive acts result from these developments ?

The first day (16 July) will be an after­noon sym­po­sium pre­sent­ing talks, dis­cus­sions, and demon­stra­tions of projects in new instru­ment build­ing, audio­vi­su­als, and mate­r­i­al think­ing. Prof Tana­ka will present a keynote address on the phe­nom­e­nol­o­gy of musi­cal per­for­mance. The sec­ond day (17 July) will be an evening con­cert where the instru­ments pre­sent­ed in the first day will come to life in a musi­cal set­ting, played on a mul­ti­chan­nel sound sys­tem from the TU, installed in the Curt-Sachs-Saal at the Musi­cal Instru­ment Muse­um. The event is sup­port­ed by the DAAD and made pos­si­ble through the coöper­a­tion between the Staatlich­es Insti­tut für Musik­forschung and the TU Stu­dio, respec­tive­ly the Audio­com­mu­ni­ca­tion Group.

Pho­to © Kathrin Scheidt

With con­tri­bu­tions from :


Tomo­mi Adachi (JP, DAAD)
Liz All­bee (US)
Benedikt Bril­may­er (SIM, Berlin)
Alber­to de Cam­po (UdK Berlin)
Hen­rik von Col­er (TU Berlin)
Heather Frasch (US)
Matt Hugh­es (UTS Syd­ney / TU Berlin)
Daisuke Ishi­da (UdK Berlin)
Sukan­dar Kar­tad­i­na­ta (Glui)
Jin Hyun Kim (HU Berlin)
Tom Lerch (SIM, Berlin)
Mar­cel­lo Lus­sana (HU Berlin)
Kaffe Matthews (Berlin)
Max Neu­pert (Bauhaus Uni­ver­sität Weimar / chair)
Pas­cal Staudt (Berlin)
Atau Tana­ka (Gold­smiths, Lon­don)
Clemens Wegen­er (Bauhaus Uni­ver­sität Weimar / chair)


Symposium : 16.07.2019

14:00Intro­duc­tionHen­rik von Col­er (TU)
14:15Keynote addressAtau Tana­ka — The Phe­nom­e­nol­o­gy of Tech­nol­o­gy Music Performance

Round 1

Jin Hyun Kim — Rethink­ing (dis)embodiment in inter­ac­tive music

Daisuke Ishi­da — Recent activ­i­ties of The SINE WAVE ORCHESTRA

Matt Hugh­es — URack : a mod­u­lar musi­cal inter­face for build­ing visu­als in Unity

Mar­cel­lo Lus­sana, Pas­cal Staudt, Olga Koz­manidze — Sen­tire : Sen­so­ry human interaction

16:30Round Table

Tak­ing time and space in instru­ment build­ing (mod­er­a­tor Atau Tanaka)

Kaffe Matthews — Son­ic to Sen­so­ry bikes and more

Sukan­dar Kar­tad­i­na­ta — Glui, refine­ment of tan­gi­ble experience

Liz All­bee — hacked trum­pet, trans­duc­ers, Ganzfeld


Round 2

Max Neu­pert, Clemens Wegen­er — Tick­le : Sen­si­tive Sur­faces for Music

Hen­rik von Col­er, Tom Lerch — Bing­Bong : Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary Devel­op­ment of an Expres­sive Interface

Isak Han, Hannes Hoel­zl, Alber­to de Cam­po (HAI Trio) — Pos­si­bil­i­ty Space Trav­el with the nUFO by Air­borne Instruments

18:00Drinks and Demos

with pre­sen­ta­tions by :

Hen­rik von Col­er — Bin­Bong

Sukan­dar Kar­tad­i­na­ta — Glui

Alber­to de Cam­po — Air­borne Instrument

Mar­cel­lo Lus­sana — Sen­tire

Matt Hugh­es — Forms

Max Neu­pert — Tick­le

Pas­cal Staudt — Push Pull

Concert : 17.07.2019




Wel­come : Hen­rik von Col­er & Atau Tanaka

Weav­ing Bro­ken Threads — Heather Frasch for Dig­i­tal Boxes

Resident/Foreigner — Kaffe Matthews Elka organ and spa­tial sound

Tomo­mi Adachi + Mar­cel­lo Lus­sana + Andreas Dzialocha Voic­es from AI in Exper­i­men­tal Improvisation



Ganzfeld — Sukan­dar Kar­tad­i­na­ta & Liz All­bee Hacked trum­pet, elec­tric bass, and transducers

The Last Groove — Hen­rik von Col­er Turntable-based spa­tial­iza­tion

Cor­po­re­al — Atau Tana­ka Mus­cle EMG per­for­mance 4 short pieces

Programm Symposium : 16.07.2019

14:00 — Intro­duc­tion Hen­rik von Col­er (TU)


14:15 — Keynote address Atau Tana­kaThe Phe­nom­e­nol­o­gy of Tech­nol­o­gy Music Performance


15:00 — Talks
Jin Hyun Kim — Rethink­ing (dis)embodiment in inter­ac­tive music
Daisuke Ishi­da — Recent activ­i­ties of The SINE WAVE ORCHESTRA
Matt Hugh­es — URack : a mod­u­lar musi­cal inter­face for build­ing visu­als in Uni­ty
Mar­cel­lo Lus­sana, Pas­cal Staudt, Olga Koz­manidze — Sen­tire : Sen­so­ry human interaction


16:30 — Round Table — Tak­ing time and space in instru­ment build­ing (Atau Tana­ka moderator)

Kaffe Matthews — Son­ic to Sen­so­ry bikes and more
Sukan­dar Kar­tad­i­na­ta — Glui, refine­ment of tan­gi­ble expe­ri­ence
Liz All­bee — hacked trum­pet, trans­duc­ers, Ganzfeld


17:00 — Talks
Max Neu­pert, Clemens Wegen­er — Tick­le : Sen­si­tive Sur­faces for Music
Hen­rik von Col­er, Tom Lerch — Bing­Bong : Inter­dis­ci­pli­nary Devel­op­ment of an Expres­sive Inter­face
Isak Han, Hannes Hoel­zl, Alber­to de Cam­po (HAI Trio) — Pos­si­bil­i­ty Space Trav­el with the nUFO by Air­borne Instruments


18:00 — Drinks and Demos with pre­sen­ta­tions by :
Hen­rik von Col­er — Bin­Bong
Sukan­dar Kar­tad­i­na­ta — Glui
Alber­to de Cam­po — Air­borne Instru­ment
Mar­cel­lo Lus­sana — Sen­tire
Matt Hugh­es — Forms
Max Neu­pert — Tick­le
Pas­cal Staudt — Push Pull

Concert : 17.07.2019

17:30 Doors


18:00 — Wel­come : Hen­rik von Col­er & Atau Tana­ka
Weav­ing Bro­ken ThreadsHeather Frasch for Dig­i­tal Box­es
Resident/ForeignerKaffe Matthews, Elka organ and spa­tial sound
Voic­es from AI in Exper­i­men­tal Impro­vi­sa­tion Tomo­mi Adachi + Mar­cel­lo Lus­sana + Andreas Dzialocha 


— inter­mis­sion —


GanzfeldSukan­dar Kar­tad­i­na­ta & Liz All­bee, Hacked trum­pet, elec­tric bass, and trans­duc­ers
The Last GrooveHen­rik von Col­er, Turntable-based spa­tial­iza­tion
Cor­po­re­alAtau Tana­ka, Mus­cle EMG per­for­mance 4 short pieces

die Reihe.

Beiträge zu auditiver Kunst und Kultur 

die Rei­he. Con­tri­bu­tions to audi­to­ry art and cul­ture is an event series of the Master’s pro­gram Sound Stud­ies and Son­ic Arts at the Berlin Career Col­lege at Berlin Uni­ver­si­ty of the Arts the Audio Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Group at Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty Berlin. A colab­o­ra­tion between the Elec­tron­ic Music Stu­dio, the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Pro­gram and the Master’s pro­gram Sound Stud­ies and Son­ic Arts at UdK. |