Events   /  die Reihe

Andrea Neumann

Solo for Zither, Heartbeat and Mixer

18 December 2018 | concert and talk

Pho­tos © Kathrin Scheidt

18 Decem­ber 2018 

8 pm | con­cert and talk


SomoS Art House Berlin
Kot­tbusser Damm 95, 1.OG 
10967 Berlin


Die Rei­he. Con­tri­bu­tions to audi­to­ry art and cul­ture presents the Ger­man com­pos­er Andrea Neu­mann with her work “Solo for Zither, Heart­beat and Mixer”.

Sounds of the performer’s live-ampli­fied heart­beat trig­ger no-input-mix­er feed­backs. The body/machine mix of puls­es blend togeth­er with frag­ile chords and dense drones from the zither. The per­former is at the same time exper­i­men­tal test object and inves­ti­ga­tor : Feed­ing the sys­tem with sounds result­ing from her autonomous nerve sys­tem, the per­former simul­ta­ne­ous­ly directs, con­trols and musi­cal­izes it.

In col­lab­o­ra­tion with SomoS Art Space.

Pho­to © Kathrin Scheidt

die Reihe.

Beiträge zu auditiver Kunst und Kultur 

die Rei­he. Con­tri­bu­tions to audi­to­ry art and cul­ture is an event series of the Master’s pro­gram Sound Stud­ies and Son­ic Arts at the Berlin Career Col­lege at Berlin Uni­ver­si­ty of the Arts the Audio Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Group at Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty Berlin. A colab­o­ra­tion between the Elec­tron­ic Music Stu­dio, the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Pro­gram and the Master’s pro­gram Sound Stud­ies and Son­ic Arts at UdK. |