Events   /  die Reihe

Diemo Schwarz and Alexis Baskind


6 July 2017 | concert presentation

Pho­tos © Kathrin Scheidt

6. July 2017 | 7:30 pm | con­cert presentation


Diemo Schwarz and Alex­is Baskind  - PLAYING THE SOUND SPACE
con­cert pre­sen­ta­tion Play­ing the Sound Space (étude for cor­pus-based syn­the­sis and ges­tur­al con­trol 2015), impro­vi­sa­tion with Alex­is Baskind (dou­ble bass)


Hybrid Lab

Vil­la Bell

March­strasse 8

10587 Berlin


Die Rei­he. Beiträge zu audi­tiv­er Kun­st und Kul­tur pre­sent­ed Diemo Schwarz and Alex­is Baskin with PLAYING THE SOUND SPACE.

The last die Rei­he. Beiträge zu audi­tiv­er Kun­st und Kul­tur event of the sum­mer semes­ter 2017 pre­sent­ed the researcher and elec­tron­ic music com­pos­er Diemo Schwarz and musi­cian and sound engi­neer Alex­is Baskin with the con­cert pre­sen­ta­tion “PLAYING THE SOUND SPACE (étude for cor­pus-based syn­the­sis and ges­tur­al con­trol 2015)” on July 6, 2017 at the Hybrid Lab Berlin.

Diemo Schwarz was DAAD Edgard Varèse guest pro­fes­sor at the Audio Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Group at the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty Berlin.

Diemo Schwarz, born in Ger­many in 1969, is a researcher and devel­op­er at Ircam (Insti­tut de Recher­ché et Coör­di­na­tion Acous­tique-Musique, Paris), com­pos­er of elec­tron­ic music, and musi­cian on drums and laptop.

His research work includes improv­ing inter­ac­tion between musi­cian and com­put­er, and exploit­ing large mass­es of sound for inter­ac­tive real-time sound syn­the­sis, col­lab­o­rat­ing with com­posers such as Philippe Manoury, Dai Fujiku­ra, Ste­fano Ger­va­soni, Pierre Jod­lows­ki, Aaron Ein­bond, Sam Brit­ton.  He holds a PhD in com­put­er sci­ence applied to music, award­ed in 2004 for the devel­op­ment of a new method of cor­pus-based con­cate­na­tive musi­cal sound syn­the­sis by unit selec­tion from a large soundbase.

His com­po­si­tions and live performances—under the name of his solo project Mean Time Between Fail­ure, or impro­vis­ing with musi­cians such as George Lewis, Evan Park­er, Frédéric Blondy, Vic­to­ria John­son, Eti­enne Brunet, Luka Juhart, Pierre-Alexan­der Tremblay—explore the pos­si­bil­i­ties of cor­pus-based con­cate­na­tive syn­the­sis to re-con­tex­tu­alise any sound source by rear­rang­ing sound units into a new musi­cal frame­work using inter­ac­tive nav­i­ga­tion through a sound space.

Alex­is Baskind is a musi­cian, sound engi­neer and author/consultant of tech­no­log­i­cal solu­tions for audio pro­duc­tion and lis­ten­ing sys­tems. he first learned sound record­ing with benoit fab­re au con­ser­va­toire nation­al at aubervil­lier­s/la-courneuve region­al music school, and fol­lowed at the same time sci­en­tif­ic and tech­ni­cal stud­ies. he joined the ircam in 1999, and there he pur­sued research­es on room acoustics. obtain­ing a phd in 2003, he has been work­ing since then on music cre­ation, the­atre and dance projects, for numer­ous struc­tures includ­ing ircam, the con­ser­va­toire nation­al supérieur de musique et de danse de paris, the cam­pag­nie des musiques à ouïr and the cen­tre inter­na­tion­al de recher­ché musi­cale. among oth­ers, he worked with com­posers philippe ler­oux, andréa vigani, héc­tor par­ra, pedro ama­r­al, françois paris, philippe hurel, vladimir tarnopol­sky, alexan­dros markéas, hanspeter kyburz, as well as with the the­atre direc­tor jean-françois peyret, in music, the­atre and dance projects melt­ing live elec­tron­ics and tra­di­tion­al instru­ments. he works reg­u­lar­ly on artis­ti­cal and tech­ni­cal projects requir­ing the devel­op­ment of spe­cif­ic solu­tions for sound pro­cess­ing, sound design, and inter­fac­ing with ges­ture and visu­al analy­sis sys­tems. for­mer­ly pro­fes­sor in sound engi­neer­ing in the hochschule der pop­ulären kün­ste fh (berlin), he’s been also reg­u­lar­ly giv­ing cours­es in sound engi­neer­ing and com­put­er music at the hochschule für musik det­mold and in music schools, uni­ver­si­ties and train­ing insti­tutes for music production.



die Reihe.

Beiträge zu auditiver Kunst und Kultur 

die Rei­he. Con­tri­bu­tions to audi­to­ry art and cul­ture is an event series of the Master’s pro­gram Sound Stud­ies and Son­ic Arts at the Berlin Career Col­lege at Berlin Uni­ver­si­ty of the Arts the Audio Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Group at Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty Berlin. A colab­o­ra­tion between the Elec­tron­ic Music Stu­dio, the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Pro­gram and the Master’s pro­gram Sound Stud­ies and Son­ic Arts at UdK. |