Events   /  die Reihe

Rolf Julius

Musik – weiter entfernt II

27 May 2015 | concert

Pho­to © Susanne Baron

27 May 2015 | 8:30 pm | Doors : 8:00 pm


aus­land. Ter­ri­to­ry for exper­i­men­tal music, per­for­mance and art
Lych­en­er Straße 60

10437 Berlin


Rolf Julius (1939−2011): Musik – weit­er ent­fer­nt II (2009÷10)

Sound : Andreas Pysiewicz und Volk­er Straebel
Intro­duc­tion : Sabine Sanio

Music — weit­er ent­fer­nt II (2009÷10)

The sur­face of a sound inter­ests me. Is it round or angu­lar, raw or smooth, etc.? I am inter­est­ed in the dis­tance of a sound. Does it sound dif­fer­ent close than far­ther away. And I am inter­est­ed in the inter­val, the space between the sounds. How far can this space be extend­ed, I mean, is there silence or does silence need a sound before and after. I’m inter­est­ed in time, in time revolv­ing around an object and pres­ence, so to speak. In the con­cert I want to show the core of this endlessness.


The instru­ments I use are sim­ple and com­plex at the same time. Pre-com­posed pieces of music are played from sev­er­al iPods and mixed live, where I try to under­stand the space and the sit­u­a­tion of the audi­ence. (Rolf Julius)

Musik — weit­er ent­fer­nt II was cre­at­ed as a com­mis­sioned work by the Elec­tron­ic Stu­dio of the TU Berlin. The pre­mière took place in 2010 as part of Ultra­schall. Fes­ti­val für neue Musik at Radi­al­sys­tem V Berlin as a live per­for­mance. We play the autho­rized tape ver­sion. Rolf Julius is the name­sake of the Sound Stud­ies stu­dent scholarship.

Rolf Julius (1939−2011), born in Wil­helmshaven, stud­ied art in Bre­men and Berlin, where he lived since his par­tic­i­pa­tion in the exhi­bi­tion Für Augen und Ohren in 1980. His instal­la­tions, con­certs, videos, and visu­al works com­bine the acoustic and the visu­al in inter­modal recep­tion. Julius belongs to the found­ing gen­er­a­tion of Euro­pean sound art.

Andreas Pysiewicz is head of the Elec­tron­ic Stu­dio of the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Berlin at the Depart­ment of Audio Com­mu­ni­ca­tion and teach­es in the sub-depart­ment of Audi­to­ry Media Design at the Mas­ter’s Pro­gram Sound Stud­ies of the Berlin Uni­ver­si­ty of the Arts, Berlin Career College.

Sabine Sanio is head of the sub-depart­ment The­o­ry and His­to­ry of Audi­to­ry Cul­ture at the Mas­ter’s pro­gram Sound Stud­ies of the Berlin Uni­ver­si­ty of the Arts, Berlin Career College.

Volk­er Straebel directs the post­grad­u­ate mas­ter’s pro­gram Sound Stud­ies at the Berlin Uni­ver­si­ty of the Arts, Berlin Career College.

die Reihe.

Beiträge zu auditiver Kunst und Kultur 

die Rei­he. Con­tri­bu­tions to audi­to­ry art and cul­ture is an event series of the Master’s pro­gram Sound Stud­ies and Son­ic Arts at the Berlin Career Col­lege at Berlin Uni­ver­si­ty of the Arts the Audio Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Group at Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty Berlin. A colab­o­ra­tion between the Elec­tron­ic Music Stu­dio, the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Pro­gram and the Master’s pro­gram Sound Stud­ies and Son­ic Arts at UdK. |