Events / die Reihe
Rolf Julius
Musik – weiter entfernt II
27 May 2015 | concert

Photo © Susanne Baron
27 May 2015 | 8:30 pm | Doors : 8:00 pm
ausland. Territory for experimental music, performance and art
Lychener Straße 60
10437 Berlin
Rolf Julius (1939−2011): Musik – weiter entfernt II (2009÷10)
Sound : Andreas Pysiewicz und Volker Straebel
Introduction : Sabine Sanio
Music — weiter entfernt II (2009÷10)
The surface of a sound interests me. Is it round or angular, raw or smooth, etc.? I am interested in the distance of a sound. Does it sound different close than farther away. And I am interested in the interval, the space between the sounds. How far can this space be extended, I mean, is there silence or does silence need a sound before and after. I’m interested in time, in time revolving around an object and presence, so to speak. In the concert I want to show the core of this endlessness.
The instruments I use are simple and complex at the same time. Pre-composed pieces of music are played from several iPods and mixed live, where I try to understand the space and the situation of the audience. (Rolf Julius)
Musik — weiter entfernt II was created as a commissioned work by the Electronic Studio of the TU Berlin. The première took place in 2010 as part of Ultraschall. Festival für neue Musik at Radialsystem V Berlin as a live performance. We play the authorized tape version. Rolf Julius is the namesake of the Sound Studies student scholarship.
Rolf Julius
Rolf Julius (1939−2011), born in Wilhelmshaven, studied art in Bremen and Berlin, where he lived since his participation in the exhibition Für Augen und Ohren in 1980. His installations, concerts, videos, and visual works combine the acoustic and the visual in intermodal reception. Julius belongs to the founding generation of European sound art.
Andreas Pysiewicz
Andreas Pysiewicz is head of the Electronic Studio of the Technical University of Berlin at the Department of Audio Communication and teaches in the sub-department of Auditory Media Design at the Master’s Program Sound Studies of the Berlin University of the Arts, Berlin Career College.
Sabine Sanio
Sabine Sanio is head of the sub-department Theory and History of Auditory Culture at the Master’s program Sound Studies of the Berlin University of the Arts, Berlin Career College.
Volker Straebel
Volker Straebel directs the postgraduate master’s program Sound Studies at the Berlin University of the Arts, Berlin Career College.
die Reihe.
Beiträge zu auditiver Kunst und Kultur
die Reihe. Contributions to auditory art and culture is an event series of the Master’s program Sound Studies and Sonic Arts at the Berlin Career College at Berlin University of the Arts the Audio Communication Group at Technical University Berlin. A colaboration between the Electronic Music Studio, the DAAD Artists-in-Berlin Program and the Master’s program Sound Studies and Sonic Arts at UdK.