Stu­dent Works  /  Master

Master Defense 2020

public exam

29–30 October 2020 | online and live

Design © Kathrin Scheidt

UdK Berlin
Ein­stein­ufer 43
10587 Berlin-Char­lot­ten­burg


The first class of the Sound Stud­ies and Son­ic Arts Mas­ters pro­gram, redesigned in 2017, pub­licly defend­ed their mas­ter’s the­ses on 29 and 30 Octo­ber 2020 at the Georg-Neu­mann Hall of the UdK Berlin.

12–1 pm    Nico­las Dale­man    Schröder/Koch

Machine Lis­ten­ing in The­o­ry and Prac­tice


1:15–2:15 pm    Kas­siani Goulak­ou    Kuhn/Schulz
Post-Dig­i­tal Archive as Com­po­si­tion­al Material:A Study on Med­ical Archives and Inter­nal Body Sounds
Socio-polit­i­cal read­ings of sound in the pre-phono­graph­ic era. The work of Mark M. Smith on 19th cen­tu­ry America


2:45–3:45 pm    Kon­stan­tin Kazhev    Kuhn/Poznańska
Lan­guage as a Sound Object

Sound­walk and Tem­po­ral Aspects of the Artist Practice


4–5 pm    Izabel Carnio Teles de Menezes    Kuhn/Eriksen
Graph­ic Nota­tion in mul­ti­ple inter­pre­ta­tions
Amazon´s male white bell­bird call and it´s impli­ca­tions with­in ani­mal acoustic communication

12–1 pm    Nina Guo    Zyla/Straebel
Jen­nifer Walshe´s ‘Nature Data’: Real­iza­tion, Embod­i­ment, and the New Dis­ci­pline
Sound as Punchline


1:15–2:15 pm    David Rim­sky-Kor­sakow    Sanio/Straebel
Klan­gliche Aspek­te in Her­mann Nitsches orgien mys­te­rien
Obso­lete Media : zeit­genös­siche Kom­po­si­tion­sstrate­gien theater


2:45–3:45 pm    Auguste Vick­u­naite    Kuhn/Sanio
Slow tem­po, soli­tude and bore­dom in art and per­for­ma­tive thinkingand sound as an instru­ment for nav­i­gat­ing atten­tion in per­for­mance
Non­stan­dard sound design deci­sions in cinema


4–5 pm    Ale­jan­dro Mosso    Ishida/Kuhn

Com­po­si­tion­al strate­gies with light and sound in instal­la­tion art
Intru­men­tal­i­ty as a con­di­tion for live­ness in music performance