Stu­dent Works  /  Master

Sound Studies Master Exhibition 18 — summer

public exhibition

7–9 June 2018

Graph­ics © Kathrin Scheidt

7 — 9 June 2018


Grad­u­ates of the Mas­ter’s pro­gram Sound Stud­ies at the Berlin Career Col­lege of the Berlin Uni­ver­si­ty of the Arts invite you to sound instal­la­tions and per­for­mances in var­i­ous loca­tions in Berlin from 7–9 June : in var­i­ous rooms of the UdK BERLIN, in the ID Stu­dios, as well as in the elec­tron­ic stu­dio of the TU Berlin.


Audi­vi­su­al Instal­la­tion and VR experience

Based on the famous descrip­tion of the Cos­mos that the Greek Philoso­pher nar­rates on The Timaeus, this new expe­ri­ence com­bines elec­troa­coustic music and 3D spa­tial sound to immerse the view­er. On the instal­la­tion for mul­ti­chan­nel ambison­ics sys­tem, one can hear the com­po­si­tion from above, from an objec­tive per­spec­tive, as the artist that com­posed it would usu­al­ly hear it. Once immersed in Plato´s vir­tu­al Cos­mos the com­po­si­tion takes new out­comes each time is explored.


UdK Berlin

Liet­zen­burg­er Str. 45
10789 Berlin
Raum 318

June 7–9 | 2–10 pm

(sound­ing bod­ies) Performance

Corps Sonores is a per­for­mance piece that explores the con­nec­tion between  one’s voice and one’s phys­i­cal being. The son­ic mate­r­i­al used for this per­for­mance fea­tures a rich tapes­try of voic­es — inti­mate inter­views with real peo­ple — whose words were record­ed, clas­si­fied and son­i­cal­ly treat­ed. These voic­es are then played through a bespoke con­struc­tion ; an inter­face that has been hand sewn into a unique gar­ment cre­at­ed by Berlin-based New York fash­ion design­er Anna Hierony­mus. Cre­ative pro­duc­er Rodger Brown filmed each of the inter­views in turn, and has added his own visu­al coun­ter­point to accom­pa­ny and enrich the final performance.


UdK Berlin

Ein­stein­ufer 43–53
10587 Berlin

June 7 | 8 pm

(Instal­la­tion with performer)

Think­ing of sound as a phe­nom­e­non pos­si­bly found in dif­fer­ent media and objects, pos­si­bly inter­act­ing with var­i­ous parts of a brain, the instal­la­tion space con­tains some of the so called “Son­ic Illus­tra­tions” in their mate­ri­al­i­ty of the 8th and 9th of june.


UdK Berlin

Ein­stein­ufer 43–53
10587 Berlin

June 8+9 | 2–8 pm


Ves­tige is a site-spe­cif­ic sound instal­la­tion locat­ed with­in a big indus­tri­al build­ing in the old restrict­ed area of Berlin-Alt-Hohen­schön­hausen, now used as spaces for artists. The sound instal­la­tion is locat­ed in one of the four indus­tri­al stairs which is closed just for the piece (entrance in the ground floor). Using the sound echoes as a mean to per­ceive spa­tial infor­ma­tion, explor­ing the psy­cho­log­i­cal and phys­i­o­log­i­cal respons­es asso­ci­at­ed with the echoes, ori­ent­ing the expe­ri­ence towards the abil­i­ty to locate with the sound reflec­tion from the surfaces.


ID Stu­dios

Gensler­straße 13–13a

13055 Berlin

June 7–9 | 3–8 pm

paint­ing and sound installation

“Still Life ” is an instal­la­tion com­prised of five oil paint­ings and a sur­round sound com­po­si­tion, that seeks to stress the tem­po­ral qual­i­ties inher­ent to such con­trast­ing medi­ums : the sta­tic­i­ty of paint­ing against
the dynamism of sound.

This work is inspired in the clas­sic paint­ing genre “still life” which con­sists in depict­ing ordi­nary inan­i­mate objects, lying on a table and usu­al­ly against an emp­ty back­ground ; it can be said that the sub­ject mat­ter in such paint­ings is the fall of the light upon sur­faces, but also the angle of the light that comes as a time of the day, and thus an image not only about objects but ulti­mate­ly about moments.


ID Stu­dios

Gensler­straße 13–13a

13055 Berlin

June 7–9 | 3–8 pm


Der Klang macht die Musik (Ambison­ics-Ver­sion)
Kom­po­si­tion für Klang-Kup­pel und Duft.

Das entschle­u­nigte Hören und Wahrnehmen ste­ht hier im Mittelpunkt.

Pro Auf­führung kön­nen nur 8–10 Per­so­n­en ein­ge­lassen werden


Elek­tro­n­is­ches Stu­dio der TU-Berlin
Ein­stein­ufer 17c, 10587 Berlin

June 7–8 | 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 pm

Public Defense

Mon­day, June 11 | 2:30–6:00 pm | LIE 314


Car­los Pablo Vil­lamizar — Sound echoes as a means of per­ceiv­ing spa­tial information


Lena Haber­berg­er — Meth­ods of Son­ic Illustration


Car­los Hum­ber­to Ortiz Ariza — Pla­to’s Timaeus : The Cre­ation of the Uni­verse”. Audio­vi­su­al composition


Aude Gouaux-Lan­glois — Corps sonores


Nico­las Rosero — Cel­e­brat­ing the Gap. Lim­its of Inter­modal Per­cep­tion in Sound and Painting.


Ben Stoiber — SOUND APPEAL — Der Klang macht die Musik